New Chart of Accounts Video
I am excited about my new, second video titled, "Chart of Accounts." I just viewed a rough cut and with only minor changes it is ready to post. I am hoping that it will be available before the end of this week.
If you haven't had a chance to view my first video on "Sales Per Employee" I encourage you to visit my website at:
I have another video in the works that deals with "Key Financial Ratios," and a fourth video titled simply "Cash." This video takes a somewhat light-hearted, humorous approach at how a stack of $1,000 dollar bills is distributed to pay all the bills in a "profit leader" firm versus how these bills are paid by a "profit laggard" firm.
If you haven't had a chance to view my first video on "Sales Per Employee" I encourage you to visit my website at:
I have another video in the works that deals with "Key Financial Ratios," and a fourth video titled simply "Cash." This video takes a somewhat light-hearted, humorous approach at how a stack of $1,000 dollar bills is distributed to pay all the bills in a "profit leader" firm versus how these bills are paid by a "profit laggard" firm.
Labels: Chart of Accounts, key financial ratios, sales per employee
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