I should reach 300 lbs. by Christmas
I am talking about setting a new personal best record for bench pressing. As some folks know, I enjoy lifting weights and I have even entered a couple of contests just to test my strength against others in my weight and age group.
Of course, when you reach age 64 and weigh-in at 198 there aren't a lot of old men who enjoy weightlifting, so to win one of these contests I typically only have to beat two or three other crazy old men!
Right now, my best bench press is 290lbs which I can handle pretty consistently. Earlier this spring, I was having difficulty with 225lbs so you can readily see the kinds of improvements that can be brought about through a regular twice-a-week training program geared at increasing strength.
My weightlifting goal is to achieve a 300lb bench press by Christmas.
I am absolutely convinced that weightlifting is a sport for just about anyone at any age, and it is good training for the heart, mind and soul. A good, yet modest weight training program can improve cardio, flexibility, prevent osteoarthritis and a myriad of other problems associated with older Americans.